The Latest Web Animation Technologies to Use for Your Website
In today’s world, website is considered as one of the most important tools of a business. It represents your brand online and makes your business stand out in the crowd. To add a different touch to your website in this New Year, make the most of animation. Besides making your website more attractive, animation also makes it web app friendly. But, before using animation for your website, you must know about the technologies used by developers to animate web elements. Hiring a recognized custom web development company in UK can help you to get an animated website according to your preferences.
Here are some of the most popular technologies that developers use to build animated websites:
#CSS Animations: Set CSS properties on the web page elements in the Document Object Model (DOM) to animate them. You can also use JavaScript to move DOM elements on the website as per the patterns laid by a function or an equation. There is no requirement of external libraries with CSS animations for an excellent performance of a website. The best thing about CSS animations is that you can use them easily to customise animations with media queries. You can only pass their values straightaway rather than creating key frame objects and timing properties. The drawback of CSS animations is that you cannot make complicated physic effects and replicate realistic motion. If you require more than three consecutive animations, CSS may not be a great choice. In that case, writing sequential and complex JavaScript animations can be a better decision.
#JavaScript animations: With JavaScript animations, you get several options and command over website animations. JavaScript comes with its own animation functionality, where most of the animations are executed via extra libraries. The efficiency of JavaScript is dependent on the selected library. The complex JavaScript animations increase the download time of a web page. JavaScript animations are more flexible than CSS transitions or animations. They are appropriate to be used for exceptional animations like stopping, slowing down, pausing and bouncing. The professionals of a leading mobile application development company in UK can make the best use of JavaScript animations to modify your website.
#Canvas animations: Canvas animations let you animate a good deal of visual objects. You can create high-quality and complex animations on a visual space offered by a canvas. Canvas animations are mainly about playing with pixels and are an ideal way of making advanced animations. You can actually create complicated things without compromising the performance of your website. Thus, canvas animations are any day suitable for complex design and interplay.
#SVG animations: SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a vector graphics format that can be applied on the website. As the vectors have no pixel constraints, SVG animations appear to be very pointed. They keep on looking similar and never lose their quality like raster images when you resize them. You can animate the SVG elements easily with CSS. SVG is available with its own syntax for animation, known as SMIL, which is more effective than CSS. By using CSS, you cannot animate certain SVG properties like a path shape.
#WebGL: WebGL(Web Graphics Library) is used most of the times for creating complex effects and 3D. You can also implement Web GL to make animations for virtual reality (VR). It lets you to produce graphics at 60 frames in a second. Use canvas for WebGL animations, but it can be quite difficult. Web GL are applied by many website developers these days to build innovative and catchy visual effects.
So what are you waiting for? Revamp your website in an exquisite way by utilising the above-mentioned technologies for animation. A preeminent custom web development company in UK can implement the forefront technologies perfectly to animate your website. A beautifully animated website can work as a wonder to leave a good impression on a maximum number of target customers. In this New Year, go for an animated website and enjoy stupendous growth in your business.
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